If you are hiring staff and not leveraging LinkedIn, you’re a bloody idiot

There are three things I know for sure. I’m so confident in the following I would wager a lifetime supply of wine and cheese. First, a significant number of businesses are currently or are planning to hire staff this year. Second, most are struggling to attract candidates. Third, many of those businesses and owners do not use LinkedIn well, if at all.

With over 12 million Australian and 810 million global members, LinkedIn is the most powerful platform on the planet for professionals and companies.

Not leveraging the opportunities to influence and position your employer brand is foolish. With LinkedIn’s ongoing growth, new features and brilliant content tools to create impact, jumping on with gusto is a no-brainer.

Challenging the rhetoric 

I challenge the populist rhetoric of ‘The Great Resignation’ in 2022 that claims 41% of workers are apparently set to resign. If that was the case, it would be reflected in the volume of job applications to fill vacancies.




SOURCE: https://www.smartcompany.com.au/opinion/hiring-staff-leveraging-linkedin/

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