Food safety training to grow SA dairy culture

A new program will boost the dairy industry’s food safety culture and training options to ensure South Australian dairy processors remain at the forefront in best practice
Minister for Primary Industries Tim Whetstone announced the $65,000 state government funding for the Dairysafe program during a visit to Beston Global Food Company’s Jervois facility.
“Dairysafe will develop an analytical tool and value-driven training pathway for the dairy industry to boost food safety culture to ensure industry growth, market access and reputation,” Mr Whetstone said.
“The state’s clean and safe image is paramount when it comes to food products, especially for the dairy industry’s market access.
“SA already has an excellent record when it comes to food safety but the dairy industry is proactively seeking to be a leader in this area and encourage continuous improvement and innovation.
“This project which will help SA dairy businesses both large-scale and artisan, and provide flexible, available and affordable training.
“Over the next 12 months, Dairysafe will work with peak SA food industry organisations such as the South Australian Dairy Association, DairySA, Food SA and registered training organisations to develop the program.
“Recently I launched the South Australian Dairy Industry Action Plan and this training program works hand in hand with the goals of this strategy.”
Dairysafe chief executive Geoff Raven said the project aimed to take food safety beyond compliance with standards.
“Inspections and audits are essential parts of the system but we want to create a culture in our industry of going above and beyond, of seeking to continually improve practices,” he said.
“This program will look at the people as well as the processes, reviewing the attitudes, knowledge, skills and training of those in the industry.
“A strong food safety culture is underpinned by training and while it starts at the top it needs everyone’s support from across the business to become truly embedded.”
SA dairy farms produced more than 500 million litres of milk and generated revenue of $510 million in 2017-18.
Major dairy overseas export destinations include Japan, South Korea and New Zealand.

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