There’s a push for companies in the food and packaging sector to offer industry internships as part of a Melbourne-based Master of Food and Packaging Innovation degree.

The University of Melbourne, along with Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP), are seeking companies to give students hand-on experience in the industry.
The course is a post-graduate degree, which trains students in the area food packaging processes and design.
Students completing the two-year degree, study food science, food safety, packaging materials and processes, packaging design, consumer behaviour, product innovation, entrepreneurship, business management, and marketing.
Companies can benefit from offering an internship by assessing them as possible future employees.
Interns have the chance to receive some extra help with research or projects. They can also inspire new ideas and help problem-solve.
Many of the interns have worked in a diverse range of fields prior to undertaking the Master Degree and bring a range of skills obtained through previous employment.
A required of the course is to undertake 120-200 hours of work as part of the internship.
The hours can be taken over weeks or months, depending on the needs of the company.
There’s an urgent need for companies to offer internships as two students currently require positions.

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